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How S5 Trackers Work

The insurance-approved S5 Tracker is a sophisticated vehicle tracking system designed to enhance vehicle security and meet insurance requirements. It works using:

GPS and GSM Technology: Utilising GPS for precise location tracking and GSM technology for communication, the S5 tracker offers real-time tracking to let you know that your vehicle is safe. In the unfortunate case of theft, the high-precision vehicle tracker also helps recover the stolen vehicle quickly and effectively.

Tow and Tamper Alerts with 24/7 Monitoring: The tracking device instantly sends a notification to the 24/7 monitoring centre if it is moved or if the tracker is tampered with (for example, if the battery is removed). This means that swift action can be taken to intercept thieves and recover the stolen vehicle.

Automatic Driver Recognition (ADR): The system includes a driver ID tag for automatic driver recognition. If the vehicle moves without the driver tag present, the category S5 system interprets it as a potential theft, triggering an alert to the owner and the dedicated team at the monitoring centre.

Nationwide Installation and European Coverage: The tracker comes with free nationwide installation by Thatcham-approved engineers, ensuring correct installation. We complete the tracker installation process quickly and effectively, ensuring your vehicle is protected from the get-go. Once installed, the Thatcham category S5 tracker provides coverage not just in the country of installation but across Europe.

Thatcham S5 approved trackers are a future proof security measure for your personal or commercial vehicle. Get your free, no-obligation quote today.

Benefits of S5 Tracking

By implementing the Category S5 tracking system through your fleet, you’ll be able to reap a variety of benefits for your company. From increased security levels to lower costs, this tracker is designed to optimise your business’s operations and maximise your fleet’s performance.

Improve the security of your vehicles with Thatcham Approved Trackers, request a demo today.

Features of Our S5 Tracking Solution

As the latest addition to the Thatcham Category system, the S5 tracker includes innovative features designed to increase the security surrounding your vehicle fleet.

Who Uses S5 Trackers?

With their cost-efficient, high-security, and user-friendly features, a wide range of companies, industries, and individuals are able to benefit from installing the latest S5 trackers in their vehicles.

Car Rental Companies

  • For businesses that rent out cars, vans, and other vehicles to customers, S5 trackers are an essential way of tracking your vehicles and protecting them from theft. By having your vehicles fitted with these trackers, you’ll be able to provide your customers with an added level of security and peace of mind. The S5 vehicle trackers can also help businesses reduce the risk of theft and improve the recovery rate of stolen vehicles, minimising any potential financial losses this could cause while improving the operational efficiency.
Car Rental Companies

Camper van Rental Companies

  • Companies renting out camper vans can also benefit from S5 Trackers which offer improved security and lower insurance costs. For better security, safety, and customer service, installing S5 trackers on your camper vans is essential.
Camper van Rental Companies

Motorhome and Camper van Owners

  • Individuals who own motorhomes or camper vans can enjoy lower insurance premiums and greater peace of mind by installing S5 trackers on their vehicles. Installing one of our GPS trackers means you can have total visibility over your camper van’s location and movements, reducing the risk of theft and giving you all-important peace of mind.
Motorhome and Camper van Owners

Owners of Other High-Value Vehicles

  • Crystal Ball’s Category S5 trackers can help any individual who wants to secure their vehicle, whether it’s a luxury car or classic car. Take advantage of the S5 tracking system’s location tracking capabilities, driver recognition technology, and intuitive smartphone app to keep your personal high-value vehicle secure from any possible theft. Plus, if you’re concerned about key theft, the automatic driver recognition feature ensures that you are immediately alerted if an unauthorised person without the designated driver tags tries to operate the vehicle.
Owners of Other High-Value Vehicles

What our clients say

Danielle Coletti

Director, MEC Security

As a customer of Crystal Ball for 10 years we can always rely on their customer service and expertise for our tracking needs. We have used them for a variety of services and are always impressed with their systems, which are also very user friendly. Their Polite and friendly customer service has always made us feel happy to renew our contracts, as well as add new ones throughout the years.

James Sherratt

Fleet Manager, MSL Vehicle Solutions

I decided to transfer our fleet over to CB and it's one of the best decisions I have ever made. Their team are superb to deal with, in the current climate with vehicle utilisation being so high I was apprehensive about the task of getting everything switched over, but the team have made this as easy and flexible as possible. The technology they offer is far superior to our previous provider. If you are considering changing your provider, I would certainly recommend speaking to the team at Crystal Ball.

Steve Potter

Transport Manager, ThyssenKrupp

Our main reasons for employing tracking were the traceability issues, keeping an eye on deliveries and the security factors. But Crystal Ball has given us so much more than that. We’ve made savings everywhere, and I wouldn’t want to run this fleet without it now.

Thatcham S5 Tracker Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the S5 tracker?

    Thatcham, also known as the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre, is responsible for measuring and categorising the level of vehicle security a tracking system offers. The ‘S5’ is an indicator of the trackers Thatcham classification. All Thatcham approved tracking systems are designed to meet each Thatcham Category’s specific criteria before installation.

  • Is there a difference between the S5+ and S5 tracker?

    One of the key differences between the S5+ and S5 is that remote immobilisation is now an optional feature in the S5 tracking system, ideal for those with a smaller budget but are still looking to secure their vehicle fleet. Your driver ID card can now also be kept on your keys for more convenience.

  • What is Automatic Driver Recognition?

    Automatic Driver Recognition, or ADR, is an added security feature that ensures no unauthorised personnel can access your vehicle. Each designated driver will keep a tag on their person. If the car is moved without one of these security tags in close proximity, the tracker will automatically send out an alert.

  • What’s the difference between the S5 and S7 trackers?

    The category S7 has many of the same features as the Thatcham category 5 tracker, including 24/7 monitoring using GPS technology and tow and tamper alerts. The key difference between these two classifications of vehicle tracking systems is that the S7 does not use driver recognition and alerts. The S7 Thatcham classification can be more budget-friendly because it does not include the most advanced vehicle security features. Ultimately, both models are still insurance-approved and highly effective, so the choice comes down to your personal requirements. For more information, check out our guide to choosing between the S5 and S7 trackers.

  • What’s the difference between the category S5 tracker and S5+ tracker?

    The S5+ offers one additional feature that the Thatcham category S5 lacks: immobilisation when the authorised driver tags are not present. More than just sending an alert in the case of an unauthorised movement, the S5+ tracker actually immobilises the vehicle so the would-be thief cannot move it. This optional extra feature makes the S5+ a popular choice among high value vehicle owners who want total security for their property, and who want to enjoy the lowest premiums from their insurance companies.

  • What does it mean that a vehicle tracking system is ‘Thatcham-approved’?

    Thatcham, also known as the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre, is responsible for measuring and categorising the level of vehicle security a tracking system offers. If a vehicle tracking system is ‘Thatcham-approved’, it means the system meets the high standards set by Thatcham Research. Thatcham-approved vehicle trackers, like the S5 tracker, have undergone rigorous testing to ensure they provide effective vehicle security and safety.

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