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Wixey Transport

Since upgrading from their previous supplier to Crystal Ball, Wixey Transport are offering improved levels of customer service to their clients.

Project Info

Established in 1972, Wixey Transport Ltd provides logistics solutions, including distribution and warehousing.

Situated in Warwickshire, Wixey Transport covers the UK and Ireland with a fleet of vehicles ranging from 7.5 to 44 tonnes.

Having Crystal Ball has increased the level of customer service we can now offer.

Claire Wixey


Wixey transport trucks

The Challenges

Wixey Transport operates its own fleet of HGVs which are used for distribution across the UK and Ireland.  The directors at Wixey required a solution which would allow them to keep track of their drivers’ daily locations and progress without disturbing them with regular calls.

Previously, Wixey Transport had a mobile phone solution in place. When contacted by their incumbent supplier to pay for an upgrade to the solution, the directors decided it was the right time to review what other mobile workforce management options were available to them.

The Solution

Wixey Transport was initially interested in Crystal Ball’s Mobile Phone Tracker because it met the business’ needs and was a cost effective alternative to its current supplier. Wixey Transport implemented MobileTrack Pro in February 2013. However, following new customer requirements and the need to monitor occasional
sub-contracted drivers who were not provided with company mobile phones, Wixey Transport migrated to Crystal Ball’s vehicle tracking solution, FleetTracker, twelve months later.

Crystal Ball’s web-based FleetTracker solution can be accessed 24/7 and provides live vehicle locations on a detailed mapping system.  This comprehensive solution allows Wixey Transport to gain full visibility of its drivers in real time. It also provides live traffic report feeds that clearly display any congested routes and heavy traffic.

Claire Wixey, Director at Wixey Transport, is pleased with the new system. She says:
“Crystal Ball is a very easy product to use and the customer service staff are always very helpful.”

The Outcome

Since the introduction of Crystal Ball, Wixey Transport has seen a vast improvement in its workforce management procedures. The company is now able to view all its vehicles on the live mapping system and understand at a glance where each driver is located across the UK and Ireland. Crystal Ball has eliminated the previous cumbersome procedures of phoning drivers throughout the day.

Claire Wixey comments on how Crystal Ball has improved the level of service Wixey Transport can now offer its clients:

“Having Crystal Ball has improved the level of customer service we can now offer as we are able to provide clients with ETAs and location updates. If a client phones we are now able to quickly identify the location of our drivers and report this back to the customer.”

Additional Comments

Clare Wixey further comments:

“Crystal Ball is a very easy product to use and the customer service staff are always very helpful.”

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